STORY IN A BOX MAKE 'N TAKE : Jesus Quiets the Storm

Needed for Each Child: Shoebox, one sheet brown construction paper, three sheets white construction paper, 14 craft sticks, 13 circles, and clear tape.

Preparation: Cut 1 slit in the shoe box lid at the front of the boat where Jesus will stand; 1 slit at the back of the boat where the rain/lighting stick will be insert; 12 slits for the disciples.

Activity: Children draw and cut out a brown boat shape and glue to the side of the box.

Faces are drawn on the circles and the circles attached to the 13 sticks with tape. Children draw lighting/rain and attach to a stick with tape.

Before taking their Story In A Box home, allow children to practice re-telling by following your lead. The 12 disciples get in the boat (place sticks). Jesus gets in the boat and lays down. The disciples row the boat. A storm suddenly comes up (insert lightening/rain picture). The disciples are afraid and wake up Jesus. (Insert Jesus in slot at front of boat.) Jesus says: Peace be still. The winds and waves are quiet (remove storm picture).

The children can learn the song Jesus Can from Miracle Mud album following this activity.