Teaching Ideas
Set up a mini obstacle course in your room to act out the story of the prodigal son. You’ll need four stations. At station 1, place a hat, a bag, and a pile of money (cut green construction paper) in a shoe box. At station 2, place an empty shoe box to hold the money.…
Instructions: Every time the children hear the word “walking” in the story, they stand when you signal by raising your hand and walk in place. Boys and girls are to be seated by watching your hand go down. A man was walking from Jerusalem to Jericho. Suddenly, robbers attacked him. They beat him up, took…
Bible Verse: “A friend loves at all times.” (Proverbs 17:17) Directions: Cut a large red heart from construction paper. Write the verse on the heart. Activity: Show the heart and have the class repeat the verse 3 times together. Ask the boys and girls to sit in a circle. As you clap, the children pass…
Prior to the activity, talk about positive character qualities which people have such as being kind, considerate, friendly, helpful, nice, thoughtful, caring. You can also discuss talents which people have such as singing, playing a musical instrument, being good at sports, etc. Have the children sit in a circle on the floor or in chairs.…
GOD’S LOVE IS LIKE A BOOMERANG Preparation: Try to have a boomerang available for the children to see. If you are unable to find one, make one out of sturdy cardboard to give the children the idea of what a boomerang looks like. Object Lesson: Does anyone have any idea what this might be?…
Click Here for Free Printable The Resurrection (Luke 24:1-12, NIV)