Teaching Ideas
Warrior of My Worries The warrior of my worries Defends against my foe, Creating an oasis of peace In the midst of pain and woe. When the darkness of my fears o’erwhelms And the floods of doubt assail, God’s Word affirms He’s there with me And by faith I will prevail. He calms the storm…
 “Hold Her in Your Loving Hands” was written specifically for baby dedications. The song begins: Lord, You’ve given this child to us You’ve put her in our care Help us guide her, in You we’ll trust As You know the joy we share Click HERE to hear a song clip. The song can be…
1. Prepare thoroughly. Lessons should be action-packed with creative, exciting presentations 2. Anticipate problems and act to prevent them. 3. Have the room prepared when that first pupil arrives. The children must have something constructive to do immediately. Those first few minutes set the tone for the class time which follows. 4. Give choices within…
Allow your room to be a partner in the teaching/learning process. Surroundings affect children’s attitudes and resulting learning. Your classroom is a silent partner that has the potential to aid or hinder the learning of your pupils. A learner is influenced by the environment as well as by teachers and peers. All of us learn…
The need for love is the greatest of all human needs. Children who don’t receive love cannot fulfill their God-given potential for a fulfilling, contributing life. While staff at church spends relatively brief amounts of time with children, our effect on boys and girls must not be minimized. Even small tokens of love can have…
Being a Vacation Bible School Director provides ministry fulfillment. The responsibility is tiring, at times frustrating, and often difficult. But you play a key role in directing your church’s largest outreach program for children and their families. What a terrific way to impact the boys and girls of your church, their friends, and your community. In…
Carefully choose your story. Does the story have a strong point, idea or theme? Do the characters appeal to the age group? Is the vocabulary appropriate for your age level? Is the length suited to the age? (Rule of thumb: Attention span is about one minute more than the age.) Does it hold your interest? If so, it…
People are often reluctant to help in VBS because they feel unqualified; think someone else can do the job better; fear the unknown; are afraid they will fail; do not understand what is involved in the specific assignment; or are turned off by the poor enlistment technique of there’s no one else who will do…
You have probably heard the quote, “Children don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Investing in the lives of our pupils goes beyond one hour in the classroom at church. Are we willing to invest time in the lives of our pupils? When we attend a sports event or…
Staying in your box where you’ve always been — is comfortable! And staying in your box where you’ve always been means you don’t have to change! The sides of the box are made of various things including tradition, lack of ideas, limited funds, and complacency. And because you’ve been in your box so long —…