Teaching Ideas
Do bills outweigh income? Do relationship hassles frazzle? Do sick days outnumber healthy ones? Do disappointments become Mount Everest? “What seems impossible to get through, God will make a way for you” says the encouraging song by Mary Rice Hopkins “What Seems Impossible” (Dancing in the Desert album). You will also be strengthened by several…
The song Lighthouse helps children grasp what it means to be Jesus’ light and shine everywhere they go. Two of the verses say: I’ll be a lighthouse shining above I’ll be a lighthouse sharing His love And if my flame flickers and my well runs dry I know Jesus lives inside my lighthouse I…
“Whale Of A Tale” (Lighthouse album) is the perfect song to accompany your lesson on Jonah. (Click on song title to hear a clip.) The song begins: It’s cold and dark and wet down here I’m feeling kind of strange, I am scared I got swallowed by a whale and I’m aware It’s a terrible…
 When teaching a Bible verse to your class, be sure the boys and girls understand the meaning of difficult words. If kids try to remember things they don’t understand, nothing sticks. It’s like building a model car without glue. Understanding the means of words also eliminates developing wrong concepts. A second-grade boy was asked,…
Plot out your Bible memory verse by drawing a line for each letter and leaving spaces between each word. Write the alphabet along the side and divide the students into two groups. Each side guesses letters and fills them in when a correct letter is guessed. Vowels are the last to be…
Set up chairs like for “Musical Chairs” game. Print review questions from recent lessons on 8 1/2″ x 11″ sheets of paper. Each question is numbered. Music plays. When the music stops, the teacher calls out a number. The child standing by that number and the pupil to his right and left confer for…