Teaching Ideas
Write questions from recent lessons on 3″ x 5″ cards and divide them equally into six stacks. Label the stacks 1-6. Divide the children into two teams. Children take turns tolling the number cube. The team takes the question card with that number on it. If the team comes up with the correct answer,…
Each pupil is given a card. The front side says “Yes” and the back side says “No.” The teacher asks a question and says, “Answer please.” Children hold up either “Yes” or “No”. A fun way to review Biblical stories and concepts.
The child who sits in class like a zombie, showing no interest, will become automatically drawn into a Bible game.Or “Joe Cool” who wouldn’t be caught dead participating in any way can’t resist enjoying a fun game. “A little bit of sugar makes the medicine go down,” sang Walt Disney’s Mary Poppins.Her point was that…
“GOD IS WITH ME†The Story of David and Goliath To make this familiar Bible story come alive for children, use this interactive presentation. Depending on the number of students you have, narrator parts can be combined or the skit adapted to your group in any way you choose. Print off copies of the script…
Calvin and Hobbes cartoon pictures Calvin sitting in class, eyes half closed, about ready to drift off to sleep. Suddenly he sits upright and screams: Boring! Uninteresting! Ho-Hum! Our senses are the primary way information goes to the brain. When an activity appeals to two or more senses, more learning happens. Multisensory learning blasts…
You probably have heard the statement, “Children don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”. Teaching is more than one hour in the classroom at church! Kids will remember only a small percentage of what you teach them, but they will always remember you as a person. Particularly if…
Do you begin your lesson preparation praying, “God, what ONE key principle do the boys and girls in my class need to assimilate in their lives this week?” In order to make a lasting difference in children’s lives, you need to have ONE key principle which the boys and girls in your class will assimilate…
Have you become complacent, content to teach boring, uninteresting, non-life-changing lessons week after week? I challenge you to fling out your arms, knock down the walls of your we’ve-always-done-it-this-way box, and step out of that suffocating enclosure. Take a deep breath of the fresh air of creativity and new ideas which literally surround you…
Hip Hip Hooray – Hippopotamus is a fun song that teaches kids God is creator of the universe. Click HERE to see the song on YouTube. (While there, please like my YouTube channel!) There is also interactive curriculum for the album 15 Singable Songs where this song can be found. Click HERE to…
Preparation: Have the boys and girls form a large circle. Choose half of the children to be priests who will make trumpet sounds. The other children will be the Israelites who shout at the end of the story. Have the priests practice blowing their pretend rams horn trumpets and the Israelites practice shouting. Explain to…