Theme:  Patience

Day after day after day after day, Noah worked on building the ark. It took him approximately 35,800 days to finish. That’s a LONG time and a LOT of patience!

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter the rain fell for 40 days and 40 nights. That’s a LONG time and a LOT of patience!

Up and down, back and forth, up and down, back and forth the giant boat floated on the water for 150 days. That’s a LONG time and a LOT of patience!

The boat sat and sat and sat on a mountain for 40 days before the dove was released which returned. That’s a LONG time and a LOT of patience!

The boat rested and rested and rested on the mountain for seven more days before the dove was released a second time which returned with a fig leaf. That’s a LONG time and a LOT of patience!

Noah and his family waited and waited and waited seven more days before releasing the dove a third time which did not return. That’s a LONG time and a LOT of patience!

Discussion Questions:

1.  What is patience?  (Waiting without complaining)

2.  What are some things you have had to wait for?  (Christmas, birthday, vacation, arrival at a destination.)

3.  How do you feel when you are waiting and how can these feelings be handled?

Action Step:  Helping others can help when you are waiting.  Think of something for which you are waiting.  Make a plan for helping someone during the waiting time.

Bible Verse:  “Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act” (Psalm 37:7, NLT).

Suggested Song:  Noah” (In the Beginning album)