NOAH OBEYED GOD – Genesis 7-8



Based on Genesis 7-8

Needed for Story: Pictures of axe, hammer, raindrops:

Instructions: When children see AXE picture they say “Chop-chop, chop-chop.” When HAMMER picture is shown the boys and girls say: “hammer-hammer, hammer-hammer”. At the sight of the RAINDROPS they say: “Pitter-patter, pitter-patter.”

Noah and his sons cut down trees. (Show AXE picture)

They cut down MORE trees. (AXE picture)

And MORE and MORE trees. (AXE picture)

They needed to make boards — lots and lots of boards. (AXE picture)

Noah and his sons put the boards together. (Show HAMMER picture)

They put more and more boards together. (HAMMER picture)

God had asked Noah to build an ark — a really, really BIG boat. Noah obeyed God.

It took a long time to build the ark, the really big boat. (HAMMER picture)

They worked (HAMMER picture) and worked (HAMMER picture) and worked (HAMMER picture).

The ark was going to be SO big that there would be room for 2 of every kind of animal in the whole world and 7 of certain types of animals and all of Noah’s family. When everyone was inside the ark, God closed the door. Listen. I hear something!


For 40 days it rained. (RAINDROPS picture)

And rained. (RAINDROPS picture)

And rained. (RAINDROPS picture)

For 40 nights it rained. (RAINDROPS picture)

And rained. (RAINDROPS picture)

And rained. (RAINDROPS picture)

When the rain stopped, God placed a rainbow in the sky as a promise that He would never again destroy the whole earth with a flood.

SONG:  “Noah” from In the Beginning album.  (Click on song title to hear a clip.)

BOOK:  Noah  (No one illustrates the actual Noah story more accurately then Wendy Francisco. “There are so many great children’s books out there that illustrate the ark as more of a tug boat. I wanted kids to understand the magnitude of what God did through Noah.” With creative story telling lyrics, Mary Rice Hopkins sings/writes in detail the entire story of Noah, the ark, and Noah’s faithfulness to God.)