
 Calvin and Hobbes cartoon pictures Calvin sitting in class, eyes half closed, about ready to drift off to sleep. Suddenly he sits upright and screams:  Boring!  Uninteresting! Ho-Hum!

Our senses are the primary way information goes to the brain. When an activity appeals to two or more senses, more learning happens. Multisensory learning blasts Ho-Hum out the door! And reduced boredom also means less behavior challenges!

Methods are not ends in themselves but only a means for reaching your goal which is placing kids in a position where they are ready to allow God to enter their lives with His transforming power.

Decide what creative methods will carry your lesson aim, incorporating as much multi-sensory learning as possible through seeing, smelling, tasting, hearing, feeling and doing.

Seeing could be viewing a video of Jesus calming the storm. Singing Jesus Can (Miracle Mud album) which reinforces the lesson would be using the sense of hearing.  Acting out the story, Jesus Quiets the Bad Storm while being sprayed with a mist of water would be the doing and feeling. Open a can of sardines and you’ve got the smell of the ocean!