CHRISTMAS STAR SEARCH Bible Verse Memorization Activity


BIBLE VERSE: “This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him” (1 John 4:9)

MATERIALS NEEDED: Yellow construction paper, scissors, marker, double-backed tape.


1. Help children cut tars from construction paper.

2. Write a word from the verse on each star. Write the Scripture reference on a separate star.

3. Place double-backed tape on the back of each star.

4. Place the stars in random order on the wall.

5. Ask children to take turns finding the words from the verse to place in order.

6. Once in order, read the verse together several times. Then remove the first and last words. Ask children to recite the scripture. Continue removing the first and last words until the verse is said from memory.