ZIP IT UP! Devotion-in-Motion

Theme:  Choosing Your Words

A servant girl noticed Peter and said:  “That man was one of Jesus’ followers.”

Peter lied with his tongue and said: “No, I don’t even know Jesus.”

A little while later someone else looked at Peter and said:  “You must be one of the disciples who spent a lot of time with Jesus.”

Peter lied again and said:  “No, I am not.”

About an hour later, another person said:  “You MUST be one of Jesus’ disciples.”

And a third time Peter lied:  “No, I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Peter felt sad inside because he had not controlled his tongue and told the truth.  He left the courtyard and cried.  Peter had denied knowing Jesus and there was no way he could take his words back.

Discussion Questions:

1.  Why do we need to be careful about what we say?  (Words can hurt.)

2.  What are words which can hurt other people?  (Dummy, ugly, stupid, I don’t like you, you can’t sing, and you always miss the ball.)

3.  What are words which we can say which will help others, encourage them and build them up?  (Great job, I’m proud of you, way to go, you tried hard, and you’re awesome.)

4.  Who can help us choose the right words to say?  (God.)

Action Step:  Squeeze toothpaste on a plate.  Pretend these are mean or unkind words which you have said.  Now you regret what you said and want to take the words back.  Try putting the toothpaste back into the tube.  Just as the toothpaste won’t go back once it has been squeezed out, so we can’t take back words once they have left our mouths. Every time you use your toothpaste, remember to choose the words you speak carefully.

Bible Verse:  “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up” (Ephesians 4:29, NIV).

Suggested Song:  “Zip It Up” (Mary Rice Hopkins & Puppets with a Heart DVD.)