The skit below can be used to generate discussion on the issue of bullying and open the door for children to share their experiences (The Greengo puppet is featured on the weekly Saturday television program Mary Rice Hopkins & Puppets with a Heart and may be ordered here.)

Greengo (doubled over in pain): “Ohhhhhhhhh!”

Adult:  “What’s wrong Green-Go?”

Greengo:  “I have a really bad stomach ache.”

Adult:  “You were okay before you went to school today.”

Greengo:  “Yeah, but the kids teased me at lunch and recess.”

Adult:  “About what, GG?”

Greengo:  “They called me names because of my color. Three of them got together and were singing: ‘You are green! You are green! You are green!’”

“I don’t even want to go back to school. It was so embarrassing.

Adult:  “I understand, GG. When I was your age and in school I was really short and the kids teased me all the time. All the taunting was really hard. I didn’t feel good about myself at all. I felt hurt and scared.”

Greengo:  “So I’m not the only one who has ever been bullied?”

Adult:  “Not at all. Lots and lots of kids are bullied and teased about something — big ears, being too tall, being overweight, having problems learning, not being pretty, being a nerd, wearing braces — all kinds of reasons.”

Greengo: “Do these other kids have a hard time keeping their minds on their schoolwork, like me? And not being able to eat, like me?”

Adult:  “Yes, GG. Being picked on and teased and bullied bothers EVERYONE.”

Greengo: “So what can I do?”

Adult:  “You’ve already done one of the most important things.”

Greengo: “What’s that?

Adult:  “Talking about it to an adult. Then, when the kids start teasing you — just walk away from them. Pretend it doesn’t bother you. Find some really nice friends to hang out with and stay with them. Avoid those who bully all the time, if you can. And always, always, always remember: God loves you exactly the way you are — GREEN!” (Ask the children if they have ever been bullied. Allow for discussion. Close with prayer.)