Preparation: Place in a large, colorful gift bag: Small American flag; Bible with bookmarks at Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8,1 John 1:9; one sheet each of black, red, white, and green construction paper.

What happens on July 4th? (Fireworks, hot dogs, baseball games, parties)

Why do we celebrate July 4th? (July 4th, 1776, was the day our country declared independence from Britain and their unfair laws and orders. It’s the birthday of our country’s freedom.)

(Hold up the American flag.) What is this? The American flag reminds us of the freedom we have here in America — freedom to choose what we think, feel and do. We are free to worship God and pray to Him whenever we want. We can also go to church and worship God from our hearts. In some countries people do not have these freedoms.

Whenever we see an American flag, it reminds us of all the freedoms we have in our country. Could I challenge you to do something? Every time you see the American flag somewhere, pray silently in your heart: “Thank you God for the freedoms we have in our country. ” Let’s repeat that prayer together three times.

(Show Bible.) What is this? The Bible teaches us how to have freedom in Christ. Jesus came so we can have abundant life and freedom.

But we can’t because of sin, which is disobeying God. The Bible says here in Romans 3:23, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

(Hold up dark paper.) Sin is spiritual darkness and this dark paper reminds us that sin is disobeying God.

(Open Bible.) Romans 5:8 tells us that Jesus died for our sins. He loved us so much that he died to take our place.

(Hold up red paper.) This red paper represents the blood of Jesus which was shed for our salvation.

(Hold up white paper.) This white paper stands for the cleansing of salvation. When we admit we have sinned by disobeying God, feel sorry for our sins, ask God to forgive us for our disobedience, and are willing to quit sinning, He cleanses us from our sins.

(Open Bible.) 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us (make us clean and white inside) from all unrighteousness.”

Jesus has prepared a special place in heaven for all who have accepted Him as Savior.

(Show green paper.) In nature in the outdoors, what does the color green remind you of? (Growing things.) As a child of God, we too can grow by reading our Bible every day, praying and asking God to help us, letting our new life show at home and by telling our friends the difference Jesus can make in our lives.

(If you sense some children are ready to ask forgiveness, have them repeat this prayer after you: “Dear Jesus: I admit I have sinned and I am sorry for what I have done. Please forgive me. I believe You died for me. I now accept You as my own Savior. Help me to obey You every day. Thank You for forgiving me, giving me freedom inside and making me Your child. Amen.”