Preparation: Tell the boys and girls every time Peter says “NO!” in the story, they are to shake their head from side-to-side.

Interactive Bible Story: A fire was blazing in the center of the courtyard. People were sitting around the fire trying to keep warm. They were talking about the big event of the day — Jesus had been arrested.

A servant girl noticed Peter and said: “That man was one of Jesus’ followers.”

Peter lied with his tongue and said: “NO! I don’t even know Jesus.”

A little while later someone else who was warming their hands around the fire, looked at Peter and said: “You must be one of the disciples who spent a lot of time Jesus.”

Peter lied again and said: “NO! I’m not.”

About an hour later, another person said: “You MUST be one Jesus’ disciples.”

And a third time Peter lied and said: “NO! I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Peter was very, very sad inside that he had not controlled his tongue and told the truth. He was so very, very sad that he left the fire. He was so very, very sad that he left the courtyard. He was so very, very sad that he cried and cried and cried.

He had denied knowing Jesus and there was no way he could take his words back.