Pumpkin Patch – Fall Object Lesson

Materials Needed:
Pumpkin with top cut off and a smiling face on the opposite side of the pumpkin for children to see later
Large spoon for scooping
Bowl to put goop in
Object Lesson:
(Start scooping out goop.) Look at all of this goop inside this pumpkin! Do you think this is what our hearts might look like when we do wrong things (sin)? We don’t have seeds in our hearts, but when we do wrong things God looks in our hearts and say, “Oh! Look at all that yucky sin.”
(Point to pile of goop in bowl.) What are some things we might do to make our hearts look like this yucky goop? (Allow children to share their ideas. Lead the discussion to areas such as disobeying those in authority, lying, cheating, stealing, etc.)
God doesn’t take the yuck out of our hearts with a spoon! God sent Jesus here to earth to die on a cross for our sins — for all the wrong things we have done.
Let’s take a moment and think about what is in our hearts. Is there some yucky stuff inside which you need to ask Jesus take out? He will remove it when we tell Him how sorry we are for disobeying and let Him know we will no longer do wrong things.
(Pray with the children.)
When we have received Jesus as personal Savior, then we really feel different inside. (Turn pumpkin around.) Now we have a smile on our faces because we don’t have all that yucky goop inside any longer.
Have the children listen to the song “Pumpkin Patch” which you downloaded from iTunes:
I’m a pumpkin, how ’bout you
Once I was little, but then I grew
Specially picked, there I sat
God picked me from His pumpkin patch
He picked me from His pumpkin patch
He took the yucky stuff out of me
Carved a smile and eyes to see
Then He came inside my heart
Placed a candle in the dark
Placed a candle in the dark
So now I shine in the neighborhood
The light that comes ’cause God is good
Once I was sad, now I’m His child
He carved out this great big smile
He carved out this great big smileSo I’m a pumpkin, how ’bout you
Once I was little but then I grew
Specially picked, how ’bout that
I’ll be a light from His pumpkin patch
Are you a light from His pumpkin patch

Are you a light
From His pumpkin patch

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