Teaching Ideas


By mrhadmin | September 18, 2012 | Comments Off on CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PARTY

Candy Cane Relay – Divide the children into two teams. Give each team five small candy canes. On signal, the team members pass their canes to the end of the line and then back again. Christmas Charades – Divide children into groups. Each team acts out something which relates to Christmas. The others try to…


By mrhadmin | September 18, 2012 | Comments Off on RAISING $5,050 WITH 100 ENVELOPES

This idea for raising money for missions, to supplement the children’s ministry budget or for any children’s ministry project has been used successfully in numerous churches.  All you need is: 100 envelopes, a marker, a church service full of adults, and approval of your pastor. Lay the 100 envelopes on tables in front of the…

LIGHTHOUSE — A Reflection of Jesus!

By mrhadmin | September 16, 2012 | Comments Off on LIGHTHOUSE — A Reflection of Jesus!

SONG #1: Hold On. LESSON POINT: Be patient. BIBLE STORY: Hannah/Samuel. BIBLE TEXT: Galatians 6:9; 1 Samuel 1:20. SONG #2: Children, Children. LESSON POINT: Be a witness.  BIBLE STORY: Go into all the world. BIBLE TEXT: Matthew 16:5. SONG #3: Lighthouse. LESSON POINT: Be a light.  BIBLE STORY: Salt/light — Sermon on the Mount. BIBLE…

STORY IN A BOX MAKE 'N TAKE : Jesus Quiets the Storm

By mrhadmin | September 15, 2012 | Comments Off on STORY IN A BOX MAKE 'N TAKE : Jesus Quiets the Storm

Needed for Each Child: Shoebox, one sheet brown construction paper, three sheets white construction paper, 14 craft sticks, 13 circles, and clear tape. Preparation: Cut 1 slit in the shoe box lid at the front of the boat where Jesus will stand; 1 slit at the back of the boat where the rain/lighting stick will…


By mrhadmin | September 11, 2012 | Comments Off on FALL FESTIVAL GAME: STICKER TAG

  Sticker tag is a great game to play at your Fall Festival because it gets all children (and parents if you wish) involved! The game is not only loads of fun but serves as an awesome ice-breaker. Each player gets a sheet of stickers (any kind!). The children try to stick the stickers on…


By mrhadmin | September 9, 2012 | Comments Off on HELPING KIDS HANDLE BULLYING

The skit below can be used to generate discussion on the issue of bullying and open the door for children to share their experiences (The Greengo puppet is featured on the weekly Saturday television program Mary Rice Hopkins & Puppets with a Heart and may be ordered here.) Greengo (doubled over in pain): “Ohhhhhhhhh!” Adult:  “What’s…

Mary Playing Guitar

By mrhadmin | July 20, 2012 | Comments Off on Mary Playing Guitar

Hoedown Episode

By mrhadmin | July 20, 2012 | Comments Off on Hoedown Episode

Mary Rice Hopkins

By mrhadmin | July 20, 2012 | Comments Off on Mary Rice Hopkins

Mary on the Tracks

By mrhadmin | July 20, 2012 | Comments Off on Mary on the Tracks