The Flashlight


Theme: Jesus Is Our Light

Have you ever been camping at night with no moon in the sky?  What did you need in order to see?  A flashlight!  Isn’t it amazing how something so small can light up so much?

As you look around, you will see many people who are walking in darkness because they are living without Jesus. Sin is darkness in people’s lives.  Jesus is the true light.  Sometimes people don’t want to hear about Jesus because His goodness shines light on their bad deeds.

God says we are light to people who live in darkness.  His light can shine in you and lead others to know Him.  Are you willing to glow in the dark and let Jesus’ light shine through you?

Discussion Questions:

1.  Why did Jesus come to earth?  (To be a light so those who believe in Him would not stay in darkness)

2.  How does Jesus give light to everyone?  (By giving us the choice to accept Him into our lives and obey His teachings.)

3.  What are ways we can let our light for Jesus shine?  (Being kind to others; loving each other;  refusing to bully other kids; making wise choices; not using wholesome speech)

4.  Why are we sometimes tempted to not let our light shine for Jesus?  (Afraid people will make fun of us or laugh at us; maybe others won’t like us as much)

Action Step: Turn on a flashlight in a darkened room.  Talk about the difference the light makes.  Now cover the flashlight with a dark towel and discuss how the light is wasted.

Bible Verse: “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16, NIV).

Suggested Song: “Let Your Light Shine” (Workmanship album)