Teaching Ideas
BIBLE LESSON DESCRIPTION MEMORY VERSE SONG God’s Word and Me If we love God, we will obey Him. Deuteronomy 30:20a Hear Oh Israel Born Into Danger God protects us. Psalm 18:30 Put ‘em in a Basket Called by God God helps us do hard things. Exodus 3:12a Why Me? Moses Says: “I Can’t” God…
Needed for Each Child: One sheet of white construction paper folded into thirds and then flattened out, crayons, Scotch tape, Elmer’s glue, and Bible verse word strip: With God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). Activity: Children use crayons to decorate one side of the construction paper, and then fold to make a stand-up using…
Materials: Give each child a package of Life Savers, one sheet colored construction paper, colored pencils, and scotch tape. Preparation: Have each child fold the construction paper in half and on the inside write “Mom, you are always a life saver because” . . . (help them think about ways to finish the sentence such…
Preparation: Make a sheep stick puppet. Pattern can be found at: http://www.cdkenterprises.com/coloring/animals/sheep.gif Story (Told by the sheep puppet): I was all tucked in for a good night’s sleep on the fields outside Bethlehem. The sky was really dark but I wasn’t afraid because our shepherds were watching over us. It was quiet — really, really…
A BOY AND HIS LUNCH AND A MIRACLE Based on John 6:1-14 Instructions: Every time you hear the word “sleeping”, put your hand on your lips and say, “Shhh.” Every time you hear “see Jesus” raise both arms upward and yell, “Yeah!” (If you think a visual reminder would be helpful, hold up placards with…
Based on Luke 5:12-15 Instructions: Every time in the beginning of the story when the children hear the word leper, they say “Unclean.” Every time later in the story when the boys and girls hear the word man, they say “Praise the Lord.” “Move out of the way,” someone called. “Get back quick,” yelled…
GOD SHOWS HIS POWER Preparation: Tell the boys and girls every time they hear you say “Pharaoh said” and you point to them, they are to respond: “No! No! Can’t let ‘em go.” (Practice several times.) Story: Moses said to Pharaoh: “You must release the Israelites.” Pharaoh said: “No! No! Can’t let ‘em go.” But…
Based on Genesis 7-8 Needed for Story: Pictures of axe, hammer, raindrops: http://www.coloring.ws/t_template.asp?t=http://www.coloring.ws/construction/hammer.gif http://www.morecoloringpages.com/axe_467.html http://www.coloring.ws/t_template.asp?t=http://www.coloring.ws/spring/14.gif Instructions: When children see AXE picture they say “Chop-chop, chop-chop.” When HAMMER picture is shown the boys and girls say: “hammer-hammer, hammer-hammer”. At the sight of the RAINDROPS they say: “Pitter-patter, pitter-patter.” Noah and his sons cut down…
Based on Luke 8:22-25 Preparation: If possible, designate an area large enough where all children can sit and pretend to be disciples in a boat on the Sea of Galilee. Instructions: When the boys and girls hear you say “the disciples rowed and rowed and rowed”, they are to make rowing motions. (Demonstrate.) One day…
Theme: Choosing Your Words A servant girl noticed Peter and said: “That man was one of Jesus’ followers.” Peter lied with his tongue and said: “No, I don’t even know Jesus.” A little while later someone else looked at Peter and said: “You must be one of the disciples who spent a lot of time…